CBD Marijuana Capsules

Medical Marijuana in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.
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CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

I wanted to check back and update all of you with my experience using the cannabinoid(marijuana) capsules/tinctures and CBD(cannabidiol) tinctures/capsules. More importantly, the difference between being on and off of the med's.

I went off the med's(it is expensive), and ended up needing to buy a cane, wheelchair & transport chair. I went on vacation the beginning of Feb 2014 & my friend had to push me around & the cane was always with me.

I started back on the med's Feb 22nd, 2014 and started taking a CBD tincture March 14th. The last time I used the cane was March 9th. Yesterday, I noticed that I was lifting my left leg up, instead of dragging or needing to swing it wide. Today, I noticed that my left leg (my bad leg/ACL) was lifting even higher. I am walking better than ever, I am taking normal steps, not dragging or needing to swing it wide.

I was needing to grab something to get up, now, I can just use my legs....that's right, I am getting better every day :-D

I have improvements with my balance, overall body strength and walking :-D

I hope that you can benefit from this information and improve your life too.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by NHE »

Thanks for sharing your experience. It's great to hear that you're doing better. I look forward to reading more about your progress. What product are you using? Charlotte's Web?

You might be interested in the following documentaries from Dr. Sanjay Gupta discussing the benefit of high CBD strains.

Dr Sanjay Gupta's CNN Special "WEED"

WEED 2: Cannabis Madness

WEED 3: The Marijuana Revolution
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Thanks for responding. I did see the Dr. Sanjay Gupta special, actually, several months ago, I sent something to him at CNN about how much mmj was helping me with the ms.

I don't believe it's Charlotte's Web, but it is a high concentrate of cbd's. There are a number of strains that have high cbd's, it's just that Charlotte's Web is getting all of the attention. I live in Arizona and that is where I am getting my cbd tincture. But it is more than the just the cbd that has benefits, it is also the other cannabinoid's in the plant. It's a full spectrum of the cannabinoid's that are benefiting me.

The med's I'm using will be in a dispensary in April, idk which one or under what name it will be sold. I get it from my caregiver.

I'm happy to update on my progress, I just didn't know if anyone wanted to hear it.....
I absolutely notice that I have more overall strength. It's crazy how much better I feel and how much more I can do! I hope the same for all of you.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Something else that I noticed....for several months, the bottom half of my legs were freezing, idk what causes it or what it is called, but it is very annoying and uncomfortable. (This started after going off of tecfidera)

As of March 16th, they have not been freezing, not even cold. After starting the med's, my legs feel warm/normal temperature. So I went from freezing legs everyday to warmth....so much better...I hope it continues.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Loriyas »

This is good to hear! Keep us updated! Thank you!
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Another little thing that I have control over now is moving my toes back and forth. On my left foot, I could only move my big toe the slightest bit, could not move it up and down, just a very slight movement. I couldn't separate my big toe from the next...I can now move my toes up and down, and independent of the other.

I still feel strong. I do still get tired as the day goes on. While my walking is better, my left leg will drag as I do "too much" and get tired... But it is NOT dragging like it did before the med's. Before it would swing wide and be stiff (guess best way to describe), now it's lifting like a normal step(just gets weak) and can drag/brush ground.

My balance is still improving. I am now able to walk down the hall carrying breakfast in one hand and hot tea in the other, it's the little things.....

I have not had the freezing legs anymore either.

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Update CBD/Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

So yesterday (March 27), for the first time in idk how long, when I went to get something off of the floor I naturally did a squat, instead of using the wall or counter as support, I automatically just lowered my whole body to reach the floor. Yes, I was surprised and happy with the improvement :-D I did several more, just to check...lol. This morning I tried it again and success!

Yesterday, I also noticed my left leg was lifting higher when I walk. Less brushing the ground.

When I get tired, from doing stuff at home, I do find that I get weak and have to sit and rest. At this point, my walking also declines. After resting and taking med's (whether its a capsule, tincture, candy, edible-cookies, brownies...) I am able to get around again. It's not every time that I rest that I need more med's, it just depends, sometimes resting is enough.

The freezing legs have not returned-yeah! My feet do get cold.

I hope this helps.

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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

On March 31st I noticed an improvement, but wanted to see it more than once before posting. So, my next improvement is, that when getting into the SUV I did not have to use my hands to lift my left leg into the vehicle. I naturally was able to lift it and into the vehicle.

I noticed the same thing when sitting on the bed. I didn't have to lift my leg with my hands to get on the bed, I was able to do it without any assistance, all on its own.

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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by eric593 »

That's great that it appears to be helping you. How much do you use, and do you have a preferred method of ingestion as to its impact or duration of effectiveness?

Do you have an AFO or FES to help when your leg begins to drag? Your muscles seem to have retained their mass if you rather suddenly are able to lift up from squat position. How long were you unable to? Your muscles didn't waste from lack of exercise? How long have you been dragging/swinging your leg before this improvement?

Yes, please continue to let us know how you're doing - the testimonial is helpful! :-)
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Idk what the strengths are, not everything is tested. But I take sativa capsules during the day and indica at night, I also started taking the CBD tincture under my tongue at the same time as capsules. Sometimes I will have medicated candies during the day too.

I'll give you more background- I'm 46 yrs old & was diagnosed in my late 30's with ms, after getting rear-ended in a car accident. I had numbness & eventually facial pain and that led to the diagnosis.
Then in my early 40's, I managed to tear my left ACL & had a total replacement. I went through PT and was not swinging it wide, it was normal. But after this tear/replacement my left side is my 'problem' side, my left leg would drag. And, most recently, my toes were rolling under and swinging wide when I tried to walk. That was before I started back on the capsules. I do question if my ms goes back to my 20's, I would have numbness in my fingers, but Dr.s never found anything. I assumed it was my stressful job.

Things got really bad this summer after trying tecfidera, I think it made me worse...I spent most of the time in bed and definitely not doing anything. I felt horrible. My muscle mass went to absolutely nothing- I was very upset to see what had happened to my body so quickly. I ended up getting a recumbent bike so that I could get some kind of exercise and build my leg muscles. I do have some muscle mass back in my legs now.

As far as being able to squat, that surprised me. I'm trying to figure out how to word this- for me, it wasn't the 'muscle strength', but the ability-like when you want to lift a limb & it won't, I had an ability back-does that make sense?

I got an AFO/toe up last year. The walking that I talk about has been without an AFO.

Hope this helps.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

There is another improvement to update you on, it's with bladder control and a much stronger urine stream. I feel like I can empty my bladder completely now.

There is also the help with depression, I don't think I mentioned that one.

Here's a link with medical marijuana strains, list of things they help with, list indica and sativa strains...


At least it's somewhere to start, for those of you who are looking for more info.

I hope this helps.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

The CBD tincture that I am taking is 200 mg/oz of CBD's....there are other cannibinoids in there.

I'm taking a dropper full under my tongue 3x a day and at same time taking either a sativa or indica capsule.

The sativa and indica capsule have ALL the cannibinoids in them.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Hi All,
To give you an update...all is going well using the mmj. I'm still able to do everything that I've told you about.

There is something that may be very important for us MS users of mmj products. Now this is from my experience-We want some of the plant matter in our dosing (medicating). I had capsules that had most, if not all, plant material taken out and they did not work- I noticed my leg was dragging and I was not benefiting from the capsules. When I questioned my caregiver what was different, she told me they didn't have plant matter in them. They made them different...after getting the 'original' ones again, all was good. We both were surprised that I knew there was a difference...that they weren't working. Now, again, that was my experience. I don't know if it's the same for all ms patients or not, but since we're in the infancy of all of this I wanted to put it out there. It will really suck if people try the wrong thing and think it can't help them when it really would. Those of you who are able to make things, try making cannabutter and see what improvements you have. Sativas are great for day and improving mood. Indicas are more muscle relaxing and will help you sleep like never before.

Let me know what other questions you may have about all of this.

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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

So I had an eye appt today. I had HRT (laser test) done & then they dialated my eyes. All is good. They didn't see a difference between today and April 2012. Vision is 20/20.

Why am I telling you this....in case you're wondering if the mmj capsules are affecting my eyes adversely. The answer would be 'nope'.

My eye issues were I had tunnel vision (6/2013)(started tecfidera 4/2013)....went off tecfidera after having tunnel vision and blurry. Due to insurance, this was the first time I've been back to eye Dr.

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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Stillhaha »

Medical Cannabis helped me in a big way when I lived in California.

Since relocating to Florida, I have experienced a large increase in foot drop and bladder issues.

This is all unmedicated.
dx PPMS 10/2011
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