Hello from Canada, eh!

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Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by misslux »

Hello hello.

Will keep this short. Have PPMS that hit pretty quickly. Symptoms started 2009 (EDSS of 6.0 within months), official diagnosis in 2012. I'm now at about 6.5 and thinking of tricking out my rollator -- racing stripes! custom rims! :lol:

I'm pretty upbeat and positive but without the "woo" factor. I'm a very realistic person when it comes to my future, but it shouldn't be mistaken for being negative.

Hope this place is the right fit for me. :)
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by lyndacarol »

misslux wrote:Hello hello.

Will keep this short. Have PPMS that hit pretty quickly. Symptoms started 2009 (EDSS of 6.0 within months), official diagnosis in 2012. I'm now at about 6.5 and thinking of tricking out my rollator -- racing stripes! custom rims! :lol:

I'm pretty upbeat and positive but without the "woo" factor. I'm a very realistic person when it comes to my future, but it shouldn't be mistaken for being negative.

Hope this place is the right fit for me. :)
Welcome to ThisIsMS, misslux. You have found the right place; we are glad you're here.

If your GP, or any other doctor, has not ordered the initial four tests to rule out a possible B12 deficiency (#1 serum B12 test, #2 serum folic acid test, #3 serum homocysteine test, and #4 either a serum or urinary methylmalonic acid tests – the urinary test is considered to be more accurate), please request that these be done. Do not begin vitamin B supplementation before testing as this will skew the test results. Also, ask for your own copy of the test results.

I encourage you to read the book, Could It Be B12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses by Sally Pacholok, RN, BSN, and Jeffrey Stuart, D.O. MS symptoms are the same as those found with a B12 deficiency.

If you have a vitamin B 12 deficiency, it is easily and inexpensively treated.

All the best to you; please let us know how it goes.
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by misslux »

Hello, nutritional deficiencies were ruled out before and I get screenings every 6 months, but thanks!
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by ElliotB »

I STRONGLY recommend you read up on Dr. Terry Wahls and follow her protocol. Good luck!
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by misslux »

Have it, read it, not interested but thanks! Not really interested in debating the merits, but my diet and lifestyle is VERY good for years before MS.

This might not be your intention, but I left another board because I see people rammed by those who are proponents of certain diets or meds or supplements or protocols, etc. Really not interested in that here.
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by DougL »

hello and welcome from another Canuck.

racing stripes and custom rims eh!
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by RuralLaundry »

misslux wrote:Have it, read it, not interested but thanks! Not really interested in debating the merits, but my diet and lifestyle is VERY good for years before MS.

This might not be your intention, but I left another board because I see people rammed by those who are proponents of certain diets or meds or supplements or protocols, etc. Really not interested in that here.
Yeah, you'll get that a lot here. I've only been here a couple months and there are a handful of people that think everyone else has and can be fixed by the same thing that fixed them.

It takes some sifting, there are a few people that provide insight rather than copy and pasting the same message to every thread on the board.

I hope you can find a way to slow down your PPMS, try looking into what has helped others and doing "tests" to see if anything noticeably helps you. Some people have luck with diets, others with supplements and still others with meds. Personally I've tried doing a few different supplements, I have had some success, it appears to be significantly minimizing the symptoms during a recurrence.

Don't be surprised if whenever you post a thread the first 3 posts are the same every single time. Once you get past there people might provide actual responses.
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by misslux »

Hi Doug and Rural!

Rural, yes, I keep myself very healthy, eat well, supplement where my doctors and I see fit, have regular screenings, exercise regularly to the best of my abilities, etc. Have been this way (active, healthy, etc.) before MS so maybe it would have been worse if I had a crappy diet and lifestyle. Have tried a few additional things but the only noticeable difference is taking my 4-AP and also hormone levels which I hope to get sorted out soon. Some folks elsewhere practically foam at the mouth when you question the efficacy of what they believe is the "best" treatment. It's half comical and half aggravating though. :lol:
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by HarryZ »

Yeah, you'll get that a lot here. I've only been here a couple months and there are a handful of people that think everyone else has and can be fixed by the same thing that fixed them.
You've got that one right! If one has followed MS research for a long time you'll soon see how wide and varied the disease affects each one and the how differently each person reacts to whatever treatment they try. Yet like you said, we have a few people on this forum who continue to insist that "their" treatment is the "right" one.

A few years ago the board had more scientific information and very interesting and informative posts. But as what often happens in public forums the crusaders show up and try and insist their way is the right way and damn everything else!

But like you said, if you sift through some of the garbage you can learn what to accept and what to trash.
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by Youarethecure »

It is kinda getting old with the handful of people blanketing new people with nonsense. Not saying the info is nonsense, but the way it comes up and the way the info is forced upon them is.

People come on here introducing themself and maybe just want someone to talk to but soon find out how to be "cured". Or my favorite some are trying to be told that they might not even have ms and its something else way less severe despite how tough their symptoms have been.

When someone comes here pouring their heart out and telling their ms story and how tough the symptoms have been to handle.... The last thing we want to hear is that we prob just have a simple deficiency. Or that if we eat a certain food we will be forever cured. Or that if we ever decide to take medication we will eventually die because of it.

We know it is all with good intentions but sometimes people need to back off. Like for the OP here, I dont see where they asked how to be cured or what they need to do. All the OP wanted to do was say hello.

Welcome and I wish the best for you,

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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by misslux »

Thank you Chris and Harry! :)
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by vesta »

I welcome suggestions from all parties and have learned much on this forum. So what if someone fanatically promotes their own therapy success. No one has to follow suit. I welcome lyndacarol's and jimmylegs' knowledge which some day I might need. (I've been using Standard Process suppléments recommended by my nutritionist/kinesiologist over the past 30 years. If for some reason I can't obtain them, I'll have to look into their recommendations. And by the way, what some medical lab tests consider "normal" is not necessarily desirable for the individual tested.) So please don't engage in censorship. The more input the better.
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by misslux »

YOU may want unsolicited advice, but I do not. I posted a short welcome, that is all.

If I, or others, wanted advice, I/we would have asked for it in the appropriate place.
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by NHE »

I'm glad you're here Misslux. Welcome to ThisIsMS.
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Re: Hello from Canada, eh!

Post by HarryZ »

misslux wrote:YOU may want unsolicited advice, but I do not. I posted a short welcome, that is all.

If I, or others, wanted advice, I/we would have asked for it in the appropriate place.
Well said!
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