CBD Marijuana Capsules

Medical Marijuana in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by misslux »

Definitely worth a shot, thanks! :)
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Look up 'Rick Simpson Oil' /'Run From the Cure'....on how to make capsules. If you're going to bake something, look up 'decarboxylation', for steps to take.

Good Luck!
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

You know, just because I didn't get what I felt was full effect from those capsules, doesn't mean you won't benefit from them.....give the ones from the dispensary a try and see what you think:-)
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by blossom »

hi tif, first, thank you for keeping us informed. you may have posted what diag. you are-rrms, spms, ppms?? which one? just curious. how long? age?
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

I'm 46 yrs old and diagnosed in my late 30's after being rear-ended in a car accident. But I had numbness in my fingers in my 20's but thought it was job related stress (bond & stocker broker). They did various testing but never came up with anything....So I don't know if my ms actually goes back to my early 20's. I have rrms.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by misslux »

Tif wrote:You know, just because I didn't get what I felt was full effect from those capsules, doesn't mean you won't benefit from them.....give the ones from the dispensary a try and see what you think:-)
It will definitely be interesting to compare the two. I usually don't ingest, but I do vape and really interested in the better availability of higher CBD strains these days.

I won't be there for a few more weeks, but I'll report back when I do try them!
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Definitely keep me posted, I hope you have great success!

Are you vaping bud or a concentrate? I'm wondering if vaping bud would be better than vaping a concentrate. The 'whole' plant vs extractions from the plant (no plant matter). I know you can set the vaporizer, with bud, at different temperatures to get different cannibinoids...
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Alainaluvsu »

I have "Clinically Isolated Syndrome". Basically, Multiple Sclerosis but they have only found 1 lesion so far. I informed my neurologist (a resident who is an undergraduate from a very well known, prominent school, and a graduate at a very prominent school for neurology) that I use marijuana to control some of the symptoms, and she said the following:

"Marijuana, as you know, is a schedule 1 drug which means the government does not believe it to have any medical benefit. We all know this is not true. Since it is a schedule 1 drug, it is very difficult to have medical studies conducted which test the medical benefits of the drug. However there has been a recent study that conclusively shows marijuana, when not used in the combustible form, helps patients with Multiple Sclerosis who are experiencing spasticity. I cannot legally recommend that you use the drug due to its schedule 1 status, but I will not tell you that it would not benefit you if you are experiencing spasticity. I will say that the combustible form is the form I would urge you not to use, because we all know the smoked form is bad for your overall health".

I will say that she shot me down when I brought up my experiences that it does help me with SOME forms of pain. She said that there have been no studies done that confirm pain relief, or any other types of relief for patients with MS. I was released from the hospital yesterday after a 5 day stay and a spinal tap. I have been constipated for a week with no urge to use the toilet. They gave me 2 stool softeners every day I was there, as well as a prescription strength laxative and it did not work. I came home and ate a piece of a pot brownie and 2 hours later I had a bowel movement. Also, my spine stopped feeling extremely tense and the pain (from the spinal tap) went away. There are hundreds of thousands, hell, millions of people who could benefit from this being medically available.

I live in Louisiana, and this state is quite possibly the harshest state against marijuana. I absolutely love my city and refuse to move, but it would be a godsend if a pill, or any alternative to smoking it, was readily available.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Hi Alaina,
There is so much to learn about it's benefits, hopefully the Dr.'s don't close their mind's to it....that would be an enormous mistake. There is no doubt that it helps with pain, guess we just gotta wait for the medical community to see it for themselves....lets hope it's sooner than later, this disease is absolutely horrible.

I hope you're feeling better!
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

So I had my first MRI in 16 months. Back in April 2013 I had the MRI & started Tecfidera, I had horrible side effects. So this MRI was the first since Tecfidera...Dr. said there were a couple new lesions BUT NO active lesions. My question to you is, isn't the 'no active lesions' what we all want? I believe that starting the Tecfidera had a lot to do with the new lesions. My Dr. suggested going on Tysabri again, that scares the hell out of me. When I tried it before I had bone pain, anyone else ever have bone pain?? Dr. wasnt sure it was med's, but I had never had bone pain before or since quitting the drug. I'm definitely curious if anyone else has had that side effect.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

As far as the capsules and tinctures go....I'm thrilled with the improvements I see. Couple of weeks ago, I stopped taking the capsules because my caregiver was making a custom compound for me. I wanted to get the other out of my system. Wow, my balance is horrible! I was using the walls and any furniture to balance me....argh. Since I started back on the capsules, I'm able to walk without touching something to balance myself. It's such a difference. The newly compounded capsules helped very quickly. I took one in the evening, fell asleep, took another capsule in the morning and my balance started improving. I've been able to carry things and walk, I couldn't do that when I went off the capsules. She is trying different compounds to see what works best :-) Her background is in biochemistry.

I don't know if state laws will allow for one state's dispensary to do business with another state's dispensary, but if so, there are dispensaries in Arizona carrying their products. Some of you have asked about getting them, the company is GramsFx. Their website is www.GramsFx.com

I hope more of you are able to try these things, they truly are working.

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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by vesta »

I suspect the marijuana acts to relax the muscles/overall body tension which in turn prevents the blood refluxing into the brain (CCSVI) to cause the varied neurological symptoms. I'm in France and don't know if I can obtain the medical form of the plant. It seems ridiculous I can't just grow it in my garden. If I sleep well, when I wake in the morning I have NO physical symptoms until my mind starts working and the "symptoms" begin in my quadriceps which I take to mean there is a blood reflux affecting that part of my CNS. Since I heard about the brain fluid circulation problems in MS, I do whatever necessary to deal with body tension since I know that may lead to CNS damage. I think it would be far preferable to take marijuana to an anti-depressant which apparently causes memory loss problems. I'm happy to get this information so I can begin a serious search. Regards,
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Stillhaha »

http://buycbdonline.co/cbd-products/cib ... -capsules/

This is legal in all 50 states, but $200 for 30 capsules seems pricey IMO.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by Tif »

Ouch, that is ridiculous, $200 for 30 capsules....how sad that it is so pricey and the potential for helping people is so high. IMO, they don't need to charge so much. The more hands the product goes through, the higher our end costs, maybe that's it....for all of you who have legalization voting coming up, you do want to have grow rights! If you don't want to get gouged, you really do want grow rights to keep prices down. Arizona started with everyone having grow rights until a dispensary was within 25 miles(as the crow flies) from your home address. Dispensaries are expensive, it was much better when everyone had grow rights. More competition gives us better prices.
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Re: CBD Marijuana Capsules

Post by tzootsi »

A bottle of 250 mg CBD oil goes for about $150 on Amazon. This bottle lasts about 2 months if you do several drops sub lingually (under the tongue) twice a day. Cibdex makes it in peppermint or vanilla flavors.
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