block option

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Post by NHE »

Just curious is there an option here to block certain members?
Yes. However, blocking can only be done by the administrators usually at the recommendation of the moderator.

Please change your avatar to something less offensive so that your account is not blocked.

Thanks, NHE
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Post by robbie »

get rid of this person
Had ms for 28 yrs,
8.5 EDSS
SPMS, 54 yrs old
Taking it day by day
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Re: block option

Post by NHE »

Thank you for changing your avatar. However, your new avatar is also not in compliance with the guidelines here at This Is MS.
[color=blue]NHE[/color] wrote:Q: Can I use a custom image for an avatar photo?

A: Sure! The image must be hosted on an external internet accessible server. You can either use a service such as Photobucket or you can upload the image to your personal webspace if your Internet Service Provider includes that feature with your account.

The This Is MS guidelines state that the Avatar image...
Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 80 pixels, the height no greater than 80 pixels, and the file size no more than 6 KB.
These size restrictions on the image are to prevent the proportions of the column widths in the forum from being disturbed. As a compromise, an image of up to 100 x 100 pixels can be used while still maintaining the column formatting.
At 1.02 MB you have greatly exceeded the 6 KB guidelines. This has a negative impact on the page load times for the forum. I'm certain that there are many of our members that are still on slow dial-up connections and we wish to maintain the forum readily accessible to all members.

Please choose an image that is in compliance with the guidelines or use none at all.

Thanks, NHE
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