Are You Able To Exercise?

Using exercise and physical therapy for recovery from the effects of MS, and for maintaining physical function.
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Post by dawny »

You can do it! Just start out with 10 min. and work your way up! I will be looking monday to see how sore you are. I did my 20 min. last night really didn't want to but it was ok after I was on and going. It really helps me with the fatigue. I can tell the differnet. Good Luck :)
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Post by BrendaH »

This is a great cheering section! (Go, Brenda, SIS - BOOM - DA! Shaking that booty!) Gosh, I'm really getting into the mindframe now! :D

You all are great!

Big hugs,
Brenda H.
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Post by Bonnie »

Hi everyone!

Glad more "athletes" are posting on this thread. LOL Once I discovered that strength training helps us save what MS can take away as far as muscle tone is concerned, I concentrated a lot on weight training, just lifting one pound weights, is all that is needed.

I am discovering the benefit of sticking with it as often as the MS allows, because my doctors always comment on what good shape my muscles are in, compared to other MSers. So, even though I sometimes feel like a weakling, I am finding out that I'm not! :P

I love exercising in water too. I plan to do more of it in the future, along with the other things I do.

Lets keep encouraging one another to do the minimum that the National MS Society suggests. Three times a week for 20 minutes. If we aren't well enough to do that, then go for whatever you can handle, it is still better then nothing, right?

I get dizzy too. I avoid laying down on those days. I will ride the bike instead. :wink:
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Post by Shayk »

Brenda...I'll cut you a break since you are working and have a daughter. That's probably exercise enough :!:

I hope she does well in the performance. And, yes, I will still be keeping tabs on you. :lol:

Bonnie I'm happy to hear you're exercising as well. You reminded me that when I was diagnosed they kept saying how strong I was, so I guess that is reason to keep on keeping on.

Dawny, I agree with you that the exercise really does help with the fatigue. Even when I feel like I'm going to fall off that elliptical. :lol:

I didn't do as well tonight practicing walking, but I fully intend to try again tomorrow morning as long as the Avonex side effects aren't too bad.

Take care everyone and lift, lift, lift, or, whatever it is you do to stay in shape. :)

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Post by fightingms »

So good to see so many people here cheering each other on with the exercising!! :D

I think thats what we all need motivation!! I know it is very hard to do on a regular basis, but WOW the benefits feel so good.

Even 20 minutes on the floor of bridges,crunches,leg raises [with weights]
3 times a week is easy and so beneficial.

I bought my husband a weight bench for his birthday in January. I very quickly realized I could do my simple workout on the bench[ instead of the floor],and use the weights for my leg raises instead of strap on the ankle weights.

Sounds like no big difference, however it cuts about 5 minutes off my routine. Anything to save time is a ++ in my book.

I can not wait for summer to add swimming and lower leg exercises to my routine. My pool is covered in ICE and snow!! Feb. is the longest month when you are dealing with winter!!

Good luck everyone and keep up the good work.....Kim
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Post by dawny »


i didn't excise when i would have to have mt avonex shot that was my two days off know i take rebif and i can still do my walking. i don't have the side effects with the rebif like i did the avonex. dawn :D
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Post by Shayk »

Dawn, thanks for the info about taking time off for the Avonex.

This last Saturday actually was the best so far, altho I slept for 4 hours in the afternoon.

It's curious about the Rebif, because everything I've read would seem to indicate the side effects are worse :?: Any particular reason why you switched? Was it the side effects?

Unfortunately, I am fearful I may be headed into a relapse. I went to exercise tonight, but my walking was slower than usual and I had to hang on more. :? I'm certainly happy to hear your walking is going so well.

Brenda, I read that you did your arm exercises...go girl go! :) I think that's great :!:

Let's all keep it up! (I think I'm trying to convince myself here.) :)

Take care all

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Post by dawny »


Went to doc and he wanted a mri of my neck and told me if I have any active lesions he would like to to think about rebif. The nurse showed us the rebif informaiton and sent stuff home Well, on the way home my husband and I talk about it and I had to have my sister that lives 30 min. from me give me my shot. I 'm scared of needles(I'm getting better after 2 year's of being stuck). We had decided that if I went to rebif my husband could give me the shots and not have to rely on anyone. We like to camp and this way he could do it. I do like the fact I don't have the side effects but I don't like that the rebif stings! I've thought about going back to Avonex but I need to give this a chance I just started after christmas. Have a good day :D Dawn
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Post by Shayk »

Thanks so much Dawn :!:

I'm afraid I'm going into a relapse but it's hard to know because I'm so "new" at this. I basically had trouble walking 4 years ago, wasn't diagnosed then, and had trouble walking again last summer and eventually diagnosed. I thought I was doing much better until last week.... :?

Glad your husband can help with the shots. That part has not been too bad for me. I think that needle just slithers thru my fat thighs! :lol:

Years and years ago I lived in Lansing so I do know how nice camping can be in Michigan and Ontario as well! Glad you're able to enjoy it...
My memory tells me black flies and mosquitoes can be nasty at times. :lol:

Thank you again for responding.

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Post by dawny »

I agree I will be glad when I can get into the pool. I will have to be careful this year I think I maybe have problems with the heat. I sat out on the deck last summer and watch the kids and I guess I was getting over heated and didn't realize it and had a relapse. I love to be outside. :)

I live about hour from lansing over by Kalamazoo/Battle creek. We go camping alot. We love to go up north and my mom's family goes camping in Aug. ( that is usually when I go their a relapse). Never had the flys and mosquito's are not to bad. :D

Sorry about one of my posting I guess I must of forgot to spellcheck I love the spellcheck.
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Post by VirtuallyFine »

BrendaH wrote:"I do have a good video tape of some stretching and yoga for people with MS. Of course, I'm drawing a blank on the name - wait, wait... Pathways for Limited Mobility! That's it! It's very good, (if anyone wants the exact name let me know and I'll get it) and I used to do it religiously at least every other day."
Could you please let me know the exact name and how you found it?

Thank you! :D
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Post by Stoli »

I really wish I had the energy to exercise more effectively :oops:
I was very keen on Yoga, but my balance isn't much and I find it more frustrating than relaxing and useful. Swimming is about the only exercise I get any use out of. The pool is 30 minute drive away and by the time I get home from work at 7pm, I'm not up for much else.
I have lots of excuses, but I'm exhausted and the thought of exercise is sometimes overwhelming.
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Post by pinda »

Have just read this post with your comment about not being able to do yoga because of balance problems. I have been doing restorative yoga for the last year and it has helped a lot. My balance is also bad and legs do not always cooperate but find this yoga helps. Also swim once a week, as often as I can, in the water works program which is set up by the arthritis society here in Canada. I have possible MS but beleive it is MS. Not enough info for neurologist to say for sure. See him again in April and have more info re relapses since Nov. so hope to have some answers. Could look into the restorative yoga where you are. I'm in a group of 4 or 6, small seems better. The instructor is pregnant and this has helped her to help us too. She will be away for awhile after the birth but has drawn up some sheets for us to continue until she returns. We'll probably meet once a week at one of our houses to keep it up. My friend has Tranvers Myelitis and has found her balance and muscle strength has increased since taking. Worth a try. The meditation helps a lot too :) Linda, Surrey, Canada
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Post by Sharon »

I have previously posted info on a different thread about a trial exercise program for MSers:
This maybe of interest to some in the community.

I am currently a participant in a research program involving Maximum Effort Exercise (MEE). The program has the support of the Veterans Administration and the U.SA. Dept of Defense. The principal investigator is Michael L. Kuchera, DO. FA at the Philadelphia College of Osteopatic Medicine. The study can be viewed at

The exercise program uses a machine called the ISOPUMP. Purpose is to gain strength without fatigue.

I have completed ten weeks of exercise and I am happy to report that I have gained strength in my whole body. The great thing about this type of exercise is that it takes only 15 minutes, twice weekly. My strength will be tested in one month - theory is that a person will sustain the strength gained without additional exercise for a period of at least 13 weeks. I look forward to seeing the test results for the program - it has to be positive. The chance at a better quality of life without another pill or injection - sounds good to me!
Next week I will go for the last follow-up - I am really curious about my strength retention and I am also interested in an exercise protocal which we will be able to use once the program is over. This has been a very positive experience - I wish that more MSers could be participants. There were about 140 of us in three or four different states. The exercise has worked for me!

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Post by PhireX »

When I try and do any excersize with my legs, like on a treadmill or something they just go numb and tingly after about 3 or 4 minutes esp. if i start moving faster

is this like normal ????
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