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Is it normal to feel this way?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:40 pm
by RobM105
Right now, I just don't care whether I live or die. It's not an issue with me... My diagnosis was about a month ago, but it's been like this for over a year. It started around the time my leg felt like it was burning.

The other thing is less severe, but I just... While I know the answer to some questions, I can't find it in my head. I kept searching for it, but I could never find it. This happens to me a lot, and it's various things. I used to always remember where I left my keys, but when I think of it, I can't remember. This is especially troubling as a college student because I forgot how to do most of my work. I forgot most of my physics equations and when they're relevant. I knew it was in my head somewhere, but I could never find the answer. When I go through life, every single day, I remember that I forgot something. It's hard to explain, but I think maybe someone here will understand...

I don't know what to do. I don't know if these are symptoms or not.

Re: Is it normal to feel this way?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:05 pm
by foxz71
Not sure it will be much comfort but I can relate. Cogfog and general memory issues are a huge problem for me in my MS symptom group. I find it causes a lot of problems at work (I write hazard mitigation plans and do vulnerability assessments). I usually keep a small notebook and write myself reminders. It goes everywhere with me. As for depression (live or die) that is also common for people with MS and I've had those days where I felt that way too. There are medications and therapies that can help. I find my therapy in keeping a blog that addresses a lot of the things we go through. here's the link if your interested: ... old-story/

Re: Is it normal to feel this way?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:06 pm
by RobM105
I actually kinda hoped that this wasn't a symptom, and that it would pass. I suppose this is good news though. At least I can follow your lead and carry a notebook around with me. That will probably be a big help :)

Re: Is it normal to feel this way?

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:49 pm
by PS19

Re: Is it normal to feel this way?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:00 am
by DougL
RobM105 wrote:Right now, I just don't care whether I live or die.
hope you don't mind if we here at TIMS care.

please don't let MS win. my partner has these same thoughts every so often. she does take medicine for it and it does help.

she writes notes too. all the time. TO DO lists, grocery lists, etc. she usually starts each day by writing a new TO DO list (which is sometimes just a copy of the old list). she is not a computer person but if you are, think about one of those handheld note recorders.

hang in there Rob!

Re: Is it normal to feel this way?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:05 pm
by Froggie
Hi Rob,

You are not alone! I have cognitive issues too- I had a psychoneurological benchmark assay done in January to see where I am. My short-term memory is compromised as well as how I process information. I would highly recommend having one done, as it can reveal where your weaknesses are and what to do about them. I've been seeing a speech therapist, as I've had problems getting words out. I'm glad to report it has helped a lot.

I tend to write things down too, as I will memory-dump them if I don't. I've carried a notebook around even before my MS diagnosis and have found it very useful.

Re: Is it normal to feel this way?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:20 pm
by RobM105
Still alive and kicking. Many thanks to everyone here; you've been a lot of help, and the notebook idea has really helped. I still failed most of my finals last semester, but life goes on.

I suppose I might as well continue. To quote a Bon Jovi song, you live for the fight when that's all that you've got! ^_^

Re: Is it normal to feel this way?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:30 pm
by jimmylegs
hi rob, i used to have horrible memory, then tested my serum zinc levels and they were really low. corrected the deficiency and was much better. don't know if you heard that from me on a different thread somewhere here at TIMS?

anyway once i asked for the test and it came back that bad, the doc said take 100mg zinc per day for a month. i complained that it made me feel sick so she said take it in two doses. so that was fine. i didn't do exactly what she said but the end result was, my zinc level improved a lot and my memory came back.

it's not just that zinc aids memory.. it's involved in all these biochemical pathways that are zinc-dependent. so it has a cascading effect into a bunch of different systems when the zinc levels are replete once more.

if you can get a blood test that can help clarify whether zinc is your particular problem.