The Waiting Game

This is the place to ask questions if you have symptoms that suggest MS, but aren't yet diagnosed.
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The Waiting Game

Post by Mommyof2 »

I have not been diagnosed with MS, and I pray to God that I don't. Everything in my heart (and symptoms) say I might.............

3 weeks ago I woke up with numbness in my face, mainly on the left side but has spread to different parts of my face. Currently it feels like it's around my neck. I have also had twitchings by by eye brow and at the corner of my lips. My arm for the last 3 days has also been numb from the elbow down. I'm not in any pain, just all these wierd sensations are very bothersome. I have gone to my doctor and she has ordered up an MRI, that could take 9 months before I can get in.

She did nothing else, no blood work, nothing. I have gone to the dentist to rule out anything wrong with my teeth, chiropractor and also got a massage. Nothing seems to helping with this feeling.

When I look back on my life, I wonder........I've had numbness in my face and hands before, but it would go away after a day. I have had numbness in my groin. I have always felt fatigued, but just always pushed thru it. In the last 5 years I have experienced what I that (and still may be) IBM. Lately I have been wondering about my eyesight, as it sometimes seems slightly blured, but then I wonder if its in my head.

I am scared and upset that I have to wait so long to get answers. I'm venting, and perhaps no one will read this but it feels good to get they way I'm feeling out. I'm a mother of 2 beautiful children and have a career that I must work at in order for our family to make it financially. I have not taken great care of myself, I eat crappy food, I don't exercise and I'm overwieght. I have done alot of reading on these boards. I have decided to take some of the advised vitamins and minerals. I will also read more into the diet thing. I have done low carb types diets before and have always felt so fantastic and high in this is what I might do.

I'm not waiting for doctors, I'm going to make some steps to be healthier now regardless of the outcome.

Thanks for reading,
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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by NHE »

Welcome to ThisIsMS!
I'm not waiting for doctors, I'm going to make some steps to be healthier now regardless of the outcome.
That sounds great!

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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by MarkLavelle »

Welcome, and sorry you needed to find this place...

As you probably know, MS isn't the only possible cause for weird sensations (paresthesia). I don't know where you are or what kind of insurance you have, but for paresthesia (and twitching) it would be appropriate to see a physiatrist and/or a neurologist (preferably both).

I assume it was your PCP that you saw, but in any case the lack of blood testing (for B vitamins and more) indicates that she isn't the best person to be looking into this. If she has already ordered an MRI, check that it will cover both your brain and cervical spine. And start looking for some specialists to do a real diagnosis.

On the self help side, I would concentrate on diet and exercise (nothing fancy, just avoiding processed foods & empty calories, and the equivalent of 1/2 hour of brisk walking most days) over supplements. Without any testing, you're just as likely to OD on a vitamin as to make it right...

Best of luck,

RRMS dx 3/3/11; Copaxone since 12/1/11
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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by jimmylegs »

i second that diet changes re processed foods and empty calories are fundamentally important. (fyi: rule of thumb re processed foods, proposed by a doc whose name i unfortunately forget :S - no more than three listed ingredients in anything packaged)

as for nutrients and supplementing, i definitely agree that testing is critical. it's a point that seems to be missing by and large, from a lot of the ms/nutritional resources out there. however testing has always been a first and foremost kind of activity with me. even way back when i was trying to cheat biology and live without vitamin b12! :S and although ms patients are more likely to be too low in suspect nutrients than too high, it's always best to check. especially when you don't yet have a diagnosis (although i do find that across the board, certain similar nutrients can be problematic regardless of the various expressions of disease in different individuals). even with testing, i did find myself accidently going too high in a nutrient once, with vitamin d3.

at the same time, i very much doubt that a high potency multi-vitamin would do you any harm, and without omitting dietary changes, it could be a step in the right direction while you pursue any testing you might have access to.

best of luck with your ongoing investigations, enjoy exploring healthier ways to eat, happy reading, and welcome to TiMS :)
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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by want2bike »

If you can find a holistic doctor which will treat the cause and not the symptoms it would be best. The diet is the approach that can be taken for any illness. When you give the body the proper foods it can heal itself. According to the China study that is fruits and vegetables which have the vitamins and minerals our bodies need. You mention going to a dentist to get your teeth checked out. Was it a mercury free dentist? Most dentist see nothing wrong with putting mercury in our mouths and mercury is a very toxic substance. People with mercury posioning have similiar sympthoms as MS. They just don't have the genes which result in MS.

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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by lyndacarol »

I also welcome you to ThisIsMS. I assure you that your many new friends at this website read your words; many read, but only some of us will respond.

We are a diverse group with many different ideas; mine revolve around excess insulin. You mentioned being overweight; you may not know that a body can only store fat if insulin is present. With many others, I encourage you to follow a healthy diet – start by eliminating sugar.

You may not have MS, but a healthy diet (with all those green leafy vegetables that we never really liked) will not hurt you. You might find the story of Dr. Terry Wahls interesting (
My hypothesis: excess insulin (hyperinsulinemia) plays a major role in MS, as developed in my initial post: "Insulin – Could This Be the Key?"
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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by Mommyof2 »

Hello Everyone,

I have read your posts and I'm very grateful to you for sharing your wisdom.

I had my MRI on April 20th. I will be getting my results and a complete physicail on May 1. Since this post I have had many different feelings, different degrees of numbness in my hands, legs and feet. I have done a lot of crying, I've seen my doctor again and she thinks I'm Super Stressed........and I am, so instead of waiting 4 months for the MRI and choose to pay for it (husband has health spending account) to speed up this proccess.

I can't wait for Tuesday to come, I pray that May 1 will not be a day I remember for the rest of my life. I pray I don't have MS. All the reading has made me scared, sad and has educated me. My heart goes out to all MS suffers.

I will come back and let you know of my results.
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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by Mommyof2 »

My Dr. called me yesterday. My MRI was clear. Nothing!

Can you have MS without the lesions?
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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by lyndacarol »


I had clear MRIs for several years before lesions appeared and MS was diagnosed. I know that others here have had similar experiences.
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Re: The Waiting Game

Post by kavee »

Hi Mommyof2, many time the symptoms you are describing are due to extreme stress. And it will get worst as the stress build up. If you notice that you are easily startle lately or your leg kick at night when you're sleep then it might be due to heavy stress. Keep a note of whatever you need to get done each day and try to get them done to free up your mind.
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