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Am in the beginning stages of MS?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:47 am
by luke082988
I was diagnosed on April 4th for Relapsing-Remitting MS. Symptoms I've had since Feb are double/blurred vision, slowed/slurred speech, unable to concentrate as well as before, plus they also found a white lesion on my brain.

After doing research, I've found that for a long time I've had MS fatigue, my concentration in some areas were hard to deal with but no one had ever thought that it was MS. Some thought I was lazy, or I just didn't want to do it, but I was simply tired all the time, and still am no matter what kind of stuff I do which now I can't really do a lot.

With that all said, I'm worried about a lot of others have said. Thats about the numb, tingling part that happens to certain parts of your body. Am I still in the beginning stages of MS even though I've had symptoms for more than a decade although they are not the numb or tingling part that most have? Or does this happen later, or just in some MS patients?

Re: Am in the beginning stages of MS?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 4:09 pm
by lyndacarol
There is a wide spectrum of possible symptoms. Each person with MS has his own unique collection of symptoms, sometimes common to other people, other times not experienced at all by others. It is impossible to predict the symptoms any one person will have.

The pace of the progression also cannot be predicted.