Newly diagnosed and in a whirlwind

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Newly diagnosed and in a whirlwind

Post by LivG »

Hi everyone, I have just recently been formally diagnosed, even though I was given a probable MS diagnosis 11 years ago. I am a 37 year old female with a 3 year old son. After my pregnancy is when my otherwise annoying but not devastating symptoms became unmanageable and left me feeling like the worst wife and mother imaginable. With no energy, weight gain, and extreme cognitive filling my washing machine with dog food instead of laundry soap..ugh.

I finally am even after 11 years to process this likely case, actually hearing it for certain and the whirlwind frightening info on DMD's has me so lost and emotional.

How do others decide which meds to take? I am one of those people that doesn't take anything unless it is undeniably necessary because I have always been one of the lucky ones to get the worst side effects.

I feel so torn between wanting to fight this but at what me and my family.

Thank you for mostly letting me vent my fear.
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Re: Newly diagnosed and in a whirlwind

Post by ElliotB »

" I am one of those people that doesn't take anything unless it is undeniably necessary because I have always been one of the lucky ones to get the worst side effects"

Hi and welcome to TIMS.

I felt as you do after I received my diagnosis, and decided on Copaxone after doing research on all of them (I initially decided not to take anything but quickly changed my mind, as I felt it was "undeniably necessary"). Needless to say, I am happy with my decision (I have been taking Copaxone for almost 2 years). I decided that if there was a chance that a DMD could help me, it was worth trying.

There are many things you can do for yourself to help you feel the best possible with regard to diet, exercise, supplements and lifestyle changes. There is plenty of information on this site that will hopefully assist you.

Be well...
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Re: Newly diagnosed and in a whirlwind

Post by Jayvos »

Good Morning I am so confused, My girlfriend was diagnosed on thursday with MS and I dont know how to treat or help her. I dont know what I am supposed to do to help her. I feel useless when she breaks down and do not know what to do to comfort her.
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Re: Newly diagnosed and in a whirlwind

Post by katfish »

I was diagnosed almost 2 weeks ago now. I knew it was coming. I think I was still stunned though. I'm in the process of getting my insurance to approve tecfidera. The first try was denied. We are on an expedited appeal now so we'll see how that goes. The uncertainty of the future is the scariest part. With MS there are no guarentees of how the disease will progress.
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Re: Newly diagnosed and in a whirlwind

Post by NHE »

Hi Katfish,
Welcome to ThisIsMS. You may wish to read through some of the posts on the Tecfidera forum to see how others have minimized the side effects of this drug. ... arate-f52/
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Re: Newly diagnosed and in a whirlwind

Post by DavidRaymondGay »

First of all, let me tell you that you are not alone. Everyone is first scared when diagnosed. It is not just you.

Second, IT IS WORTH FIGHTING. I truly believe that things happen for a reason, and even though it is tough you can emotionally be stronger than you ever have been.

When I was diagnosed I was more concerned about how the diagnosis will effect my family and friends, not how it will effect ME. It sounds like partially you are worried about how it will effect your family, and let me tell you right off the bat YOU ARE STRONG FOR FEELING THIS WAY. I can tell you care about your family, and you will get through this fine. The first step is thinking positively, and not taking each day for granted.

Start to take some time to yourself. The key is turning yourself around so that you can be stronger than ever: mentally and physically. Read, work out, learn to meditate, practice with memory games, enjoy life. Concentrate on what you can control, and know that by taking control of everything else in your life you will be the winner in the fight against MS.

Here is an article to read about morning routines. Hopefully that will help you start.

Good luck, keep your head up and stay positive.

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