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Mom with MS-can anybody relate?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:24 pm
by MusicIsLife
Hi, im new to this site, but you can call me Claire if you want. Currently i am looking for somebody who can maybe just simply relate to what ive been going through. We could help each other out maybe, and share stories and experiences. Basically, im just trying to find somebody who kinda understands what its like, because none of my friends really understand. I am 13 years old in my first year of middle school, and i live with my mom and older sister. My mom was diagnosed with MS when she was 16, and it started to effect her when i was about 6 or 7. (Shes in her 50's now) Each year, though, her condition gets worse. She is currently in a wheelchair and is in the process of having to quit work.

I dont know if anybody can really relate EXACTLY, but thats all right. Im just looking for somebody who can maybe better understand, as nobody else where i live really does. Im also happy to help anybody else with things they may be struggling with, and give advice where i can.

If anybody out there has a parent with MS, id be glad to share experiences and stories with you, and possibly help each other cope :)

Re: Mom with MS-can anybody relate?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:49 pm
by lyndacarol
MusicIsLife wrote:Hi, im new to this site, but you can call me Claire if you want. Currently i am looking for somebody who can maybe just simply relate to what ive been going through. We could help each other out maybe, and share stories and experiences. Basically, im just trying to find somebody who kinda understands what its like, because none of my friends really understand. I am 13 years old in my first year of middle school, and i live with my mom and older sister. My mom was diagnosed with MS when she was 16, and it started to effect her when i was about 6 or 7. (Shes in her 50's now) Each year, though, her condition gets worse. She is currently in a wheelchair and is in the process of having to quit work.

I dont know if anybody can really relate EXACTLY, but thats all right. Im just looking for somebody who can maybe better understand, as nobody else where i live really does. Im also happy to help anybody else with things they may be struggling with, and give advice where i can.

If anybody out there has a parent with MS, id be glad to share experiences and stories with you, and possibly help each other cope :)
Welcome to ThisIsMS, Claire (MusicIsLife).

This community has ALL kinds of people – people with MS and people who care about the people with MS. We may not have someone with an exact match to you, but we understand the situation. We are open to your questions and appreciate your willingness to help and share with us. Every one of us needs a friend who understands and helps us cope. You have found new friends here.

I have been reading about vitamin D deficiency recently – many of the symptoms are similar to those of MS. When I had the blood test for vitamin D, my level was quite low (the number value was 24). Many people with MS have low nutrient levels, including low vitamin D. I am curious… Has your mother ever had the vitamin D blood test? Does she know the number value of her test results?

The following website has a lot of good information about low vitamin D: