Carepartner vs. Caregiver - looking for article sources

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Carepartner vs. Caregiver - looking for article sources

Post by kpd913 »

Hi There,

I am a freelance writer in Denver working on an article about "carepartnering" for the National MS Society's fall issue of Momentum magazine.

I am looking for people living with MS and their primary caregiver to interview for the article. I need to conduct interviews this week or next (by March 21). Those pairs can be significant others, a child and parent, siblings ... willing to discuss how their relationship has changed in light of the disease and the tremendous demands it puts on both people.

Specifically, we want to talk with people who have achieved, or are working to achieve a relationship better known as "care partnering"
in which, both people:

- work to maintain their relationship as husband/wife (or mom and daughter, brother and sister, for instance) in the face of MS and the demanding roles of caregiver/patient that can be so all-consuming
- to set and respect one another's boundaries
- to recognize and validate the other person's contributions to the relationship

If you are interested or know someone who fits the bill, please have them contact me. Thanks so much.

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